العربية | الانجليزية

جامعة الجزيرة الخاصة جامعة الجزيرة الخاصة

A scientific visit for students of the Faculty of Architecture to the old city of Damascus

A scientific visit for students of the Faculty of Architecture to the old city of Damascus

The Faculty of Architecture at Al-Jazirah Private University, in cooperation with the branch of the National Union of Syrian Students, organized an introductory tour for a group of faculty students to the old city of Damascus, on Thursday 12/28/2017, under the supervision of Dr. Samir Salloum, Dean of the Faculty and Professor Theyab Al-Khalil. The tour included a visit to Khan Asaad Pasha. and Al-Azm Palace, where students were introduced to the art and history of traditional architecture and the architectural and engineering design style that distinguishes the Old City of Damascus from other cities, in addition to providing students with detailed explanations about the materials used in construction, and they were introduced to the history of the construction of some of the most prominent historical landmarks of the Old City of Damascus. .

The university administration wishes the students of the Faculty of Architecture every success


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