العربية | الانجليزية

جامعة الجزيرة الخاصة جامعة الجزيرة الخاصة

The activities of the closing day of the first aid course organized by the university in cooperation with the volunteer medical team

The activities of the closing day of the first aid course organized by the university in cooperation with the volunteer medical team

The activities of the third and last day of the first aid course organized by Al-Jazeera Private University in cooperation with the volunteer medical team between 10 - 12/4/2018 at the temporary headquarters of the university located in Ibn Al-Atheer High School. The second and third day included introducing the students present to several topics related to first aid. Primary courses such as (cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), fractures and poisonings, in addition to addressing the issues of bleeding, the nervous system, respiratory problems, and addressing issues of burns and the correct steps to treat them), the course was distinguished by the presence of a large number of university students and their interaction with the trainers in a positive way.

The course was concluded by honoring the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Sheikh Issa, for the cadre of the volunteer medical team who provided this course to university students over a period of three days.

The university administration thanks the volunteer medical team for their cooperation and the valuable information they provided throughout the course, and wishes its students every success.


The activities of the closing day of the first aid course organized by the university in cooperation with the volunteer medical team
The activities of the closing day of the first aid course organized by the university in cooperation with the volunteer medical team
The activities of the closing day of the first aid course organized by the university in cooperation with the volunteer medical team
The activities of the closing day of the first aid course organized by the university in cooperation with the volunteer medical team
The activities of the closing day of the first aid course organized by the university in cooperation with the volunteer medical team
The activities of the closing day of the first aid course organized by the university in cooperation with the volunteer medical team
The activities of the closing day of the first aid course organized by the university in cooperation with the volunteer medical team
The activities of the closing day of the first aid course organized by the university in cooperation with the volunteer medical team
The activities of the closing day of the first aid course organized by the university in cooperation with the volunteer medical team
The activities of the closing day of the first aid course organized by the university in cooperation with the volunteer medical team
The activities of the closing day of the first aid course organized by the university in cooperation with the volunteer medical team
The activities of the closing day of the first aid course organized by the university in cooperation with the volunteer medical team
The activities of the closing day of the first aid course organized by the university in cooperation with the volunteer medical team
The activities of the closing day of the first aid course organized by the university in cooperation with the volunteer medical team
The activities of the closing day of the first aid course organized by the university in cooperation with the volunteer medical team
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