العربية | الانجليزية

جامعة الجزيرة الخاصة جامعة الجزيرة الخاصة

A first aid course organized by Al Jazeera Private University in cooperation with the volunteer medical team

A first aid course organized by Al Jazeera Private University in cooperation with the volunteer medical team

The activities of the first day of the first aid course organized by Al-Jazeera Private University in cooperation with the volunteer medical team in the period between 10 - 4/12/2018 at the temporary headquarters of the university located in Ibn Al-Atheer High School. The first day included introducing the students present to several topics related to first aid, including Introducing them to the steps of the correct behavior during the ambulance operation, in addition to introducing them to the correct steps to rescue the injured and burn victims. The first day of the course was marked by the presence of a large number of university students and their interaction with the trainers in a positive way.

The university administration thanks the volunteer medical team for their cooperation and wishes its students every success


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